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Joan Garry
  • The Hidden Ingredient of a High-Functioning Board

    by Joan Garry

    What is the well-kept secret of a high-functioning board? Joan shares the hidden ingredient and why every board needs it.

  • Crush Your Annual Review: 10 Steps For Executive Directors

    by Joan Garry

    Executive directors complain that they do not receive a formal annual performance review. Here are 10 potential opportunities for achieving a stellar performance review!

  • Rockstar Recruitment: How To Hire The Best People

    by Joan Garry

    Dream candidates could be right in front of you and you could completely overlook them if your recruitment process upholds the status quo. Indeed, using the same standard recruiting criteria as everyone else could be an invisible blocker to attracting and hiring your dream team. These two strategies are how you can reinvent your recruiting process with smashing success.

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Nonprofits are messy

Joan Garry's signature

Join our 50,000 subscribers, in over 207 countries across the world.

not enough money.

too many cooks.

an abundance of passion.

Joan siting on a garbage can
  • My 5 Biggest Lessons For Successful Nonprofit Leadership

    by Joan Garry

    These are the 5 biggest lessons I had to learn when I first became a nonprofit executive director. And understanding how to implement them changed everything.

  • Fire Your Meetings, Refuel Your Leadership

    by Joan Garry

    Back-to-back meetings are a drain. Yet, meeting overload is a common source of stress for nonprofit leaders. I call for a rethink on your meeting schedule. Here is one tool that can powerfully change your calendar and create meaningful space for you to reclaim power to refuel your mojo.

  • Fundraising In An Election Year: Fear vs. Fact

    by Joan Garry

    Watch this very special video post to learn the facts about fundraising in an election year.


Executive Coach & Strategic Advisor

Bring a Joan Garry consultant to your organization as a mentor, a professor, a compassionate truth teller, and your own personal management and leadership consultant.

Keynotes & Live Events

As a distinguished authority on  nonprofit leadership, Joan Garry brings wit and humor into the room. Her keynotes are substantive, engaging, and transformative.

Virtual Trainings & Workshops

Bring a Joan Garry consultant in for a 90-minute virtual presentation with your board, customize a workshop for board/staff, or add a workshop to a keynote presentation.

Not Enough Money.

Too Many Cooks.

An Abundance Of Passion.

About Joan Garry

Joan Garry is the Principal of Joan Garry Consulting. Her team works to build and cultivate leadership at the board and staff level in the service of strengthening the nonprofit sector. She is a consultant, author, blogger and a highly sought after public speaker and media spokesperson.

  • 12 Nonprofit Leaders Who Are Changing The World

    by Joan Garry

    From humble beginnings to the helm of leading change, these 12 nonprofit leaders are bringing equity, inclusion, and justice to the world.

  • Why I Became CEO Of Nonprofit Leadership Lab

    by Glennda Testone

    The Nonprofit Leadership Lab welcomes Glennda Testone as the new CEO in February 2024! In this article, she explains how she knew that it was time to move forward and offers advice to leaders considering fresh opportunities.

  • How Nonprofit Leaders Can Delegate Successfully

    by Joan Garry

    There is a thin line between doing and leading. Here are 10 causes of ineffective delegation as a nonprofit leader. What are they? And what is the solution?

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