Ep 93: Why Even a Good Executive Director Needs a Coach

by Joan Garry

Professional development for nonprofit leaders – luxury or necessity? In this podcast I talk about how maximizing impact requires an investment in support.


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Professional development for nonprofit leaders – luxury or necessity? In this podcast I talk about how maximizing impact requires an investment in support.

What are the myths about the role of a coach? Some of those myths may stop a high performer from asking for help and hence stand in the way of an Executive Director being the best they can be.

Funny how it’s a given that sports players need coaches, but what about the CEO of a teen suicide hotline who may have every instinct and attribute, who may oversee dozens of volunteers, respond to texts, answer phones and literally saves lives… How important is it for them to be supported, sharpen their skills, and maintain their A game?

In this podcast I bust some of the coaching myths out there and learn the various ways to explore opportunities to grow and develop leaders; recognizing it’s not only about how good you are but how good you can be.

In this podcast

  • How critical is professional development for those folks trying to repair our broken world?
  • Attributes of a good coach
  • Attributes of a good leader
  • Do rockstar leaders need coaches too?
  • How does a long tenure affect your need for professional development?
  • Is planning a transition a solo sport?
  • What if you can’t afford a coach?
