Ep 68: No, You Can’t Do It All

by Joan Garry

How do you take care of yourself and still be responsible to your organization and the people you serve?


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“I feel like I’ve taken on the care of every gay person in America.”

That’s how I felt after starting as the new Executive Director at GLAAD. That wasn’t healthy. Way too much to take on my shoulders.

Look, you are a helper, and you work day and night fighting the good fight. But what is falling by the wayside? Your health? Your sanity? Your relationships? Will it take your spouse having an affair for you to realize not only you can’t do it all, but you shouldn’t?

How do you take care of yourself and still be responsible to your organization and the people you serve?

This is a solo podcast. Yup, just me, with three time management ideas, three conceptual remedies, and one place to go for support.

About Joan Garry

Joan Garry is the Principal of Joan Garry Consulting, a boutique nonprofit consulting firm that helps nonprofits across a wide variety of sectors to untangle strategic knots, enabling them to have a clearer path in pursuit of their missions.

Joan began her career as part of the management team that launched MTV. She followed this with a successful eight-year tenure as an executive at Showtime Networks. In 1997, Garry left corporate America and was named the executive director of GLAAD, one of the largest organizations working for LGBT equality.

Since leaving GLAAD, Garry has worked as a consultant for hundreds of nonprofits, teaching them the keys to effective nonprofit leadership with wisdom, joy and humor.  Joan is a regular panelist on NBC’s Emmy Award winning nonprofit reality show, GIVE. Garry is also an instructor at the Annenberg School for Communications at the University of Pennsylvania where she teaches Nonprofit Media Strategy, as well as a sought after speaker on nonprofit leadership.

She blogs regularly at the popular https://www.joangarry.com and hosts one of the top nonprofit podcasts on iTunes: Nonprofits Are Messy.

Her book, Joan Garry’s Guide to Nonprofit Leadership published by John Wiley and Sons was published in March 2017 and was in its second printing after only four months.

Lastly, Joan is the founder of newly launched The Nonprofit Leadership Lab, an online membership site serving the needs of board and staff leaders of small to mid-sized nonprofits.

Joan lives in New Jersey with her wife of 34 years and they have three grown children.

In this episode