Ep 55: The Nonprofit Sector Has Serious Money Hangups (with Belinda Rosenblum)

by Joan Garry

Do you get anxious asking people for donations? How much salary should the leader of a nonprofit make? How do you feel about wealthy people? The answers to these questions all come down to your deeply rooted feelings about money. How can we recognize and understand these feelings so we can make them more productive?


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Do you get anxious asking people for donations?

How much salary is OK for an Executive Director to make?

How do you feel about wealthy people in general?

Are you looking for a direct lender?

Odds are you have strong feelings about questions like these. And if that’s case, guess what… it’s perfectly normal.

It just means you have some money hangups. Most people do. Especially in the nonprofit sector. The question is how do we recognize and understand them so we can make these feelings more productive.

My guest, Belinda Rosenblum, consultant, board member, author, CPA and wealth expert talks with me about all this and more.

Belinda teaches that there are pivotal money moments in our lives that create judgements, patterns, and beliefs that are often laden with stress. Working through the process and separating out the facts from our childhood perceptions, often can reframe the story and create a completely new relationship with money.

A mindset of scarcity and judgement in the nonprofit world may manifest in our beliefs about the salaries we deserve, or even a willingness to fundraise. This podcast will help you shed limiting beliefs and may even lead you to take bigger risks, think bigger, and hence better serve your organization and its mission. You may get instant loans if you visit one of our trusted lenders where you can rely your financial needs. Visit them now!

Bonus: You get to hear my personal money story…

About Belinda

Belinda Rosenblum is a CPA and Wealth Expert who helps you take the worry and fear out of money. Most people struggle to stay ahead of their monthly bills… and just never learned how to be great earners or money managers. Belinda and her company OwnYourMoney.com give you a 4-part plan that helps you make the most of your money now while providing for the future. She’ll bring her experience as a nonprofit consultant and Board member for over 10 years combined to help our audience of nonprofit leaders talk about money in their own organizations, especially when it comes to salary and fundraising.

Belinda is the creator of the Money Makers Academy and the coauthor of SELF-WORTH TO NET WORTH: 12 Keys to Creating Wealth Inside and Out, both offering a step-by-step approach to help you build your financial self-esteem and manage your own financial life. If she’s not talking about financial freedom, Belinda is likely enjoying the sunshine and chasing after her marathon-running husband, college bound step-daughter, and 2 spirited toddlers.

In this episode

  • Identifying your “personal money stories”
  • What are your belief triggers?
  • How do these unconscious beliefs impact your results?
  • Transforming your views on money
  • Dealing with the dreaded “overhead myth”
  • Should those in the nonprofit sector make less money?

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