Ep 173: Good Fortune, Celebrity Philanthropy, and the Quest to End Poverty (with Jessica Seinfeld)

by Joan Garry

What happens when purpose and celebrity status join forces? Join me as I sit down with Jessica Seinfeld — bestselling author, founder of the powerhouse nonprofit, Good+ Foundation, and wife of comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld to find out!


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Ready to be inspired by one of the most remarkable and effective poverty-fighting nonprofits out there? In this episode, I sit down with Jessica Seinfeld — author of five New York Times bestselling cookbooks and founder of Good+ Foundation, a nonprofit organization that partners with a national network of leading programs to break the cycle of family poverty through the power of donated goods and services. ​​

But that’s not all — Jessica is also the wife of comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld.

But don’t let her celebrity status fool you. Jessica’s story and the work of Good+ is anything but a “celebrity pet project.”

It’s a shining example of what happens when the power of purpose and celebrity philanthropy join forces.

As a nonprofit leader, you know that creating and maintaining a successful organization is no easy feat. Jessica’s story is proof that with a bold vision and a relentless drive to make a difference, anything is possible.

In this episode, Jessica shares her personal journey of discovering her passion for philanthropy and how she turned a simple idea of donating diapers and strollers into a powerhouse organization that is breaking the cycle of poverty for families nationwide.

And if you’re thinking, “Oh, fundraising must be a breeze for her with her celebrity status,” think again. Jessica shares the nitty-gritty details of how Good+ Foundation is funded and how they’ve managed to build the organization to last and sustain its impact for over 21 years and counting.

So, nonprofit leaders, tune in and get ready to be motivated and inspired by Jessica’s story and the innovative work of Good+ Foundation.

Click play to learn:

  • Who is Jessica Seinfeld (0:34)
  • What is Good+ Foundation and what is its mission? (2:54)
  • How did Jessica get involved in celebrity philanthropy? (4:59)
  • What is the Good+ Foundation’s model? (15:35)
  • What is Good+ Foundation’s strategy for nonprofit sustainability? (35:44)
  • Any advice for the nonprofit leaders out there in how to create a relationship with their board chair? (50:34)


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About Jessica Seinfeld

Jessica Seinfeld is the Founder and Chair of the Board of Good+ Foundation, a national nonprofit that uses a multi-generational approach to address family poverty. Jessica founded the organization in 2001 shortly after the birth of her first child, Sascha. The daughter of a thirty year veteran social worker, Jessica felt compelled to create a mechanism to provide critical goods to parents living on low incomes. For over 20 years the organization has provided goods and support to encourage families to attend programs like job training workshops and co-parenting classes. These programs have a proven track record of supporting mothers and creating a healthier, happier environment for children through a focus on father engagement. To learn more about Good+Foundation’s ground-breaking work around fatherhood and families, read Jessica’s CNN op-ed.

A graduate of the University of Vermont, Jessica’s work with Good+ Foundation inspired her to return to school, achieving a Master of Public Administration from NYU in 2022. Jessica is a mother of three children, two cats, and two dachshunds. Jessica lives in Manhattan with her husband, Jerry Seinfeld. Jessica is also the author of five New York Times bestselling cookbooks.

Contact Jessica Seinfeld