Ep 149: Can We Fix the Nonprofit Burnout Problem? (with Chris Barlics)

by Joan Garry

In this episode, Health Coach and Personal Trainer, Chris Barlics, and I talk about something many nonprofit leaders put last on their to-do lists — self care. Listen in to learn how it can help you avoid nonprofit burnout — even if you don’t like eating kale or going to the gym.


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Today, Health Coach and Personal Trainer, Chris Barlics, and I are going to talk about something many nonprofit leaders put last on their to-do lists: self-care.

Not just because it is January and many of us are reflecting on how we can improve our lives through setting goals and making resolutions, but also because so many nonprofit leaders are notorious people pleasers and workaholics — which often leads to nonprofit burnout.

There is nothing wrong with being a do-gooder, and trust me, our world is lucky to have people like you. But it is important to remember to fill your own cup as well by taking care of yourself.

I mean, can you imagine a world where the folks who answer the call to do this worked are fueled up, energized, and full of life? I believe if we all set an intention to practice more self-care in 2022, we can get there.

Everybody is different, every schedule is different, and not everyone wants to eat kale while on an elliptical — perhaps no one understands that better than today’s guest, Chris Barlics. In his work as a health coach and personal trainer, he specializes in helping busy people over 45 reap the powerful benefits of regular physical activity.

So, if improving your health in any way was on your list of New Year’s resolutions this year, then you should listen in as he shares some really practical tips on how you can make exercise suck less and make it a consistent part of your self care routine.

Listen to learn:

  • Why do so many people avoid exercise? (6:21)
  • How do you find your “why” for self care? (8:41)
  • How can exercise help stressed nonprofit leaders avoid nonprofit burnout? (9:32)?
  • How can nonprofit leaders better practice self care? (25:06)
  • Why is consistency so important when it comes to your self care routine? (33:42)
  • What can nonprofit leaders do to fit more exercise into their busy schedules in 2022? (36:36)


Connect With Chris Barlics

About Chris Barlics:

Chris Barlics is a Health Coach & Personal Trainer who has been helping people optimize their health and fitness since 2005.

Having completed over 15,000 coaching sessions to date, Chris specializes in helping busy people over 45 reap the powerful benefits of regular physical activity. When he’s not coaching clients, Chris serves as the Director of Education for one of the largest hospital-affiliated fitness companies in the United States – Fitness & Wellness Professional Services.

He holds a degree in Psychology from Seton Hall University, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association and a Certified Health & Wellness Coach through the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Through public speaking, social media, and his blog at ChrisBarlics.com – Chris aims to make exercising more enjoyable, accessible, and practical for anyone beginning or recommitting to their fitness journey.

Chris lives in New Jersey with his wife Patrice, their 3-year-old son Declan and newborn daughter Avery.