Ep 134: An Alternative to Strategic Planning (with Lindsay Hoffman)

by Joan Garry

Strategic planning, as a traditional process, can be costly, stressful, and deeply draining. Here’s a better alternative.


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Strategic planning, as a traditional process, can be costly, stressful, and deeply draining for everyone involved … and you’re often left with a very long document that sits on a shelf – or these days, in a forgotten folder in “the cloud”.

But you want your org to succeed, so what choice do you have? Lindsay Hoffman, a nonprofit consultant whose practice combines organizational development, strategic visioning and planning, program design, and fundraising strategy, for a wide range of organizations joins us to talk about Strategic Visioning – the alternative to strategic planning.

We talk about how to think expansively so you can create a process that will be energizing, not draining, for you and your team. In fact, it will leave your organization more aligned, more ambitious, and more ready to thrive in achieving your mission.


Lindsay Hoffman is a nonprofit consultant whose practice combines organizational development, strategic visioning and planning, program design, and fundraising strategy, for a wide range of organizations.

She brings to the work a deep commitment to equity, the ability to ask the right question at the right time, strong project management & facilitation skills, strategic insights, and a warmth and generosity of spirit that adds just the right element of joy to every client engagement.

Both as a staff leader and a consultant, Lindsay’s worked with organizations dedicated to human services, public health, early childhood literacy, transportation, small business lending, HIV/AIDS and sexual health, domestic violence prevention, and legal organizations working to ensure justice and racial equity for us and our neighbors. Her career started in program design and grant writing, and in total she’s helped organizations attract well over $100 million in resources.

Lindsay is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a degree in Economics. She lives in Northern Westchester with her partner Matt and their dog Emma, but her heart might still be in Brooklyn, her home for the past 15 years.
