Ep 106: Introducing Your Nonprofit Life (with Laura Zielke)

by Joan Garry

There is nothing like a good spinoff. Some of the best TV shows of all time found their origins in another show. And now there’s a spinoff of this podcast!


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There is nothing like a good spinoff. Some of the best TV shows of all time found their origins in another show. And now there’s a spinoff of this podcast!

My guest today is the host of the new podcast, Your Nonprofit Life, Laura Zielke. Laura is the Director of Community Experience for the Nonprofit Leadership Lab. She has provided support, encouragement, and advice to more than 5,000 nonprofit leaders worldwide. And her new podcast is about you, the small nonprofit. Laura’s been blown away by the conversations she’s already had. People are so motivated by their passion to help others. And she wants to tell you all about it. Learn, be inspired, become motivated. Spend 20 minutes each week being introduced to somebody who’s doing something that makes the world a better place.

Find Your Nonprofit Life on iTunes, Spotify, and other places you get your podcasts weekly. Also www.yournonprofitlife.com, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (@yournplife), and YouTube.

  • Why launch a new podcast?
  • What are the goals of the new podcast?
  • What topics or themes will be explored?
  • Who will be some of the guests?

About Laura Zielke:

Laura is the Community Manager for The Nonprofit Leadership Lab, our online membership site for board and staff leaders of small nonprofits. She serves our community by facilitating meaningful connections and fostering authenticity, generosity, and laughter.

For the past two decades, Laura has worked as graphics/website designer and marketing consultant for a variety of organizations spanning the nonprofit sector from environmental and health to education and arts & culture and faith based organizations.

Laura earned her Master of Divinity degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where she focused her studies on Biblical Studies, Greek, and Archaeology after earning a Bachelor of Arts at California Baptist University with a major in Religion.

No fiercer advocate for nonprofit leaders will you find than Laura. She goes above and beyond to ensure that nonprofit leaders have the resources and advice they need and deserve. The thousands of active members of our Lab feel a true sense of community because of Laura’s “divine” intervention.

Laura lives in North Carolina. John is her lucky husband and Zachary is their lucky home schooled teenage son.
