Ep 10: Successful Fundraising at Small Nonprofits – With Pamela Grow [PODCAST]

by Joan Garry

So your nonprofit is too small to hire a development director, but you won’t get any bigger without a development director. What do you do?


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So your nonprofit is too small to hire a development director, but you won’t get any bigger without a development director. What do you do? Today I’m talking with Pamela Grow, someone who knows about “grow”ing your fundraising efforts.

Pamela is the publisher of The Grow Report, author of Simple Development Systems, founder of Basics & More (fundraising fundamental trainings delivered to over 4,000 nonprofit professionals), and one of the 30 most effective fundraising consultants according to Wall Street Business Network. So I think Pam knows a thing or two about fundraising at small nonprofits. She has been helping small nonprofits dramatically increase their fundraising efforts for more than 15 years.

I talked to Pamela about where to find dollars, how to cultivate donors, when an event is (and isn’t) a good idea and when and how to hire the right fundraising professional for your organization. Whew, we covered a lot of ground in this episode. I think you will find truly useful nuggets of information in this podcast, stuff you will take back to your organization and use every day.


  • Big dollar foundation grants vs. individual donors
  • Why storytelling is so important (hint: Humans of NY gets it)
  • How to cultivating and steward donors
  • Developing fundraising partnerships with development, board, and staff
  • Using events as “bait” – turning ticket buyers into donors
  • Trends in development – “donor care representatives”
  • How do you know when you’re ready to hire a fundraising professional?
  • The attributes of a great development director
  • Building an inclusive culture of fundraising at your organization